feoda Fusion

Understand your current financial status in real-time, at a single glance. Role based dashboards, integrated planning tools and single-click reports give your finance department the ability to make rapid, informed decisions based on a single source of truth. Respond to changing circumstances with agility by assembling budgets, forecasts and projections as soon as they're needed. feoda's baked-in governance also ensures audit-ready compliance along the way.




Feoda’s unified approach to enrolment, fee management and accounting streamlines your cycles of administration by establishing a single source of truth. It's also flexible: start by taking advantage of Feoda's online enrolment features and adopt the finance and accounting components at a pace that suits your school.


Real time decision making

Make rapid, informed decisions based on real time data and support your strategic plan with confident projections.

Predictive Analysis

With a few clicks, use predictive planning to collect historical data, match it to industry standard statistical models and generate a dashboard offering predictions for future results.

Financial Statements

Integrated financial statement planning provides income statement, balance sheet and cash flow reports updated in real time, as you adjust your budget or forecast.

Supporting your school's transformation.



See how our finance management solution can transform your school.

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